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- May 17 Fri 2013 18:51
中英雙語新聞1020401 - Yahoo!奇摩新聞
1. 為期兩天的試辦國中教育會考結束,國中老師分析,由於會考難度設定在「難易適中」,考題比基測更靈活,社會科必須有基礎閱讀理解能力,並能融會貫通;數學科首度加考「非選擇題」,考生除了透過閱讀理解題意,還得表達如何解題,相當符合素養評量的精神。 The two-day exam of Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Student came to an end. Junior high school teacher analyzed the test and found that the test questions were more flexible than the Basic Competence Test because the difficulty level of the test was set on “intermediate”. The social science test required fundamental reading comprehension and the mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject; moreover, non-multiple choice questions were added to the math test. Aside from understanding the test questions through reading, test-takers had to express how to solve problems, which fits the criteria of program for international student assessment. 2. 兒童節將至,內政部舉辦兒童夢想職業網路票選活動,從三月十六日起由全台八千多名小朋友大聲說出未來志願,選出心目中夢想職業,結果空服員、消防員和棒球員位居前三名,傳統家長期待名聲好及高薪的「三師」─醫師、律師、老師,連前十名都排不進。 With Children’s day coming soon, the Ministry of the Interior held an Internet voting survey from Mar. 16th in which over 8,000 children across the country casted a vote to speak out their dream professions. The top three dream professions among the children surveyed were flight attendants, firefighters and baseball players. Professions that have been traditionally considered prestigious and well-paid by parents, such as doctors, lawyers and teachers, fell off the top 10 list. 3. 家扶基金會昨天(31)表揚全國23位兒童,11歲的史念琪,出生時因先天性神經纖化,左半邊額頭有突出腫瘤,左眼受壓迫改裝義眼,右眼視力只有0.1。史念琪說,他透過閱讀和吹口琴,找到自信和快樂,也明白世上還有更多比他更不幸的人,沒有理由不接受自己,正面看待人生。 Taiwan Fund for Children and Families awarded 23 children yesterday. One of them is the eleven-year old boy, Shi Nian Qi, who was born with congenital fibrosis of extra-ocular muscles. His left forehead is protruded with a tumor and his left eye is replaced by an artificial one as a result of being compressed by the tumor and his right eyesight is only 0.1. Shi said that he finds confidence and joy through reading books and playing harmonica and he knows that there are a lot more people who are less fortunate than he is, so he has no reason not to accept himself and look on the bright side of life. 4. 國立故宮博物院為了提升教育功能,今天(1)起,提供持有國內學校學生證明的學生,可免付門票費,鼓勵學生多前往故宮參觀;另外,個人語音導覽機,我國學生可享5折優惠,但是另外要收費的特展,學生仍然要購票入場。 National Palace Museum provides students who possess student IDs from schools in Taiwan with free access to the museum in an attempt to promote its educational function, encouraging students to pays more visits to the museum. In addition, students will be charged half price for using personal voice tour guide machine, but they still have to pay for admission for special exhibitions. 5. 艾培爾(Barbara Appel)的眼睛什麼也看不到,不過當她的指尖滑過紐約現代藝術博物館(Museum of Modern Art)畢卡索雕像的臉龐,她開心地嘆了口氣。每個月,都會有一群視力受損程度不同的人,由專家導覽員陪伴來到這座曼哈頓知名博物館。觀展者必須仰賴導覽員解說,還得運用想像力,把藝術家打破常規、難以描述的作品具體化。 Her eyes see nothing, but when Barbara Appel runs her fingers over the face of a Picasso sculpture in New York's Museum of Modern Art, she sighs with pleasure. Each month, a small group with various levels of impaired vision accompanies an expert guide to the famed Manhattan museum. Visitors had to rely instead on their guide and their imaginations to visualize the rule-breaking, hard-to-describe works of art. 6. 日本琦玉縣的東武動物公園,最近誕生4隻白老虎寶寶,大受遊客歡迎。白老虎的特色是白毛和藍眼睛,全世界只有大約200隻,是孟加拉虎的變種,園方沒有開放遊客直接觀賞白老虎寶寶,不過遊客可透過攝影機,觀察白老虎寶寶的生活,東武動物公園將公開徵求白老虎寶寶的名字。 Four white tiger cubs that were recently born at the Tobu zoo in Saitama Prefecture are very popular with tourists. The blue-eyed white animal is a variation of Bengal tiger. Only about 200 exist. The animals are being kept away from the public, but still draw popularity from visitors who can watch their life through cameras. Tobu Zoo will openly solicit names for these white tiger cubs. 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 |
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- May 17 Fri 2013 18:51
南檢查獲二線品牌黑心冷氣機多達三千多台 - Yahoo!奇摩新聞
臺南地檢署打擊民生犯罪,今天查獲黑心冷氣機多達三千多台,不法業者將檢驗合格的標檢局認證,貼在不符合規格的冷氣機身上;或是製造根本沒有經過檢驗認證的冷氣機,貼上偽造標章對外販售。這些黑心冷氣行銷全台,還被許多補習班、幼兒園採用。檢方共帶回十人進行偵訊,其中吳姓和楊姓負責人都坦承犯行,分別諭令以二百萬元和五十萬元交保。(龐清廉報導) 台南地檢署打擊民生犯罪專組,指揮臺南市警察局、保五總隊大批警力,並會同經濟部標準檢驗局臺南分局人員,這兩天分別在在臺南市安定區及中西區,查獲冷氣業者涉嫌製造不符檢驗規格的黑心冷氣。 台南地檢署檢察官周文祥是在去年接獲檢舉,得知南部有二線品牌的冷氣製造廠,販賣未依檢驗規格製造的空調冷氣,檢察官認為情資可信度頗高,指揮司法警察歷經一年蒐證,出動約五十名警力,同步在臺南市安定區及中西區,搜索四處地點,查獲不合格認證的冷氣共三千一百二十四台。 檢方指出,這家公司涉嫌先向經濟部標準檢驗局申請冷氣機檢驗,經過標檢局檢驗合格後,把這些合格認證,貼在不符檢驗規格的冷氣上,或者根本就製造沒有經過檢驗認證冷氣機,貼上偽造標檢局標章對外販售。 檢方同時查扣帳冊、中游廠商名單、出貨資料、標籤等資料一批,並傳空調公司吳姓負責人和代銷公司楊姓負責人及員工共10人到案。業者偵訊時坦承犯行,諭令分別以二百萬元和五十萬元交保。由於這家空調公司銷售通路遍及全台,購買消費者大都是補習班、幼兒園等,檢察官正全面持續清查中。 新聞來源: YAHOO新聞 |
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- Apr 30 Tue 2013 18:14
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- Apr 23 Tue 2013 18:51
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